Pasteur Colloquium-Elite:Professor Zhaoming SU, State Key Laboratory of Biotherapy, Sichuan University

On September 16, 2020, Professor Zhaoming SU, State Key Laboratory of Biotherapy, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, was invited to the "Pasteur Colloquium" of Shanghai Pasteur Institute and gave a wonderful report entitled "cryo EM advances RNA structure determination". The forum was held by researcher Lanfeng WANG. 

 In the report, Professor Su thrives to use cryo-EM single particle analysis (SPA) to study high resolution structures and functions of RNAs and RNPs when their bound protein partners are involved. They are particular interested in pathogenic non-coding RNAs in bacteria, virus and mammalian systems. Professor Su introduced a Ribosolve pipeline, which combines recent advances in cryo-EM, M2-seq biochemical analysis and Rosetta auto-DRRAFTER computer modeling to accelerate 3D RNA structure determination. Ribosolve can accurately resolve the global architectures of RNA molecules but does not resolve atomic details, which offer guidelines for making inferences in future RNA structural studies with similarly accelerated throughput. Professor Su’s group also uses cryo-EM helical reconstruction to understand RNA-binding protein assembly mechanisms of single-stranded RNA virus, which will facilitate development of novel antiviral therapy. Moreover, Professor Su has a long-term interest in applying deep learning algorithm from computer vision to cryo-EM SPA image processing, in order to understand the noise pattern in cryo-EM images and improve signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and particle alignment accuracy. This may be particularly useful to improve resolvability of very challenging biological systems such as RNA that contains continuous heterogeneity or dynamics in cryo-EM SPA.
 Finally, Professor Zhaoming SU answered audience’s questions, and discuss with them of the research after the meeting. After that, researcher Lanfeng WANG gave Professor Zhaoming SU with the Pasteur medal to show his respect for outstanding talents.
 Pasteur colloquium is to carry forward the spirit of Louis Pasteur's scientific and technological innovation and serve the society. It is sponsored by Pasteur Shanghai and regularly invites well-known scientists in the fields of Microbiology, virology, immunology, vaccinology and epidemiology to conduct scientific, forward-looking and open scientific research lectures.