
代表性论文(Representative Thesis)

1.      Wei H, Geng J, Shi B, Liu Z, Wang YH, Stevens AC, Sprout SL, Yao M, Wang H, Hu H. Cutting Edge: Foxp1 Controls Naive CD8+ T Cell Quiescence by Simultaneously Repressing Key Pathways in Cellular Metabolism and Cell Cycle Progression. J Immunol.2016; 196(9):3537-41.

2.      Yang Q, Li F, Harly C, Xing S, Ye L, Xia X, Wang H, Wang X, Yu S, Zhou X, Cam M, Xue HH, Bhandoola A. TCF-1 upregulation identifies early innate lymphoid progenitors in the bone marrow. Nature Immunology. 2015;16(10):1044-50.

3.      Wang H, Geng J, Wen X, Bi E, Kossenkov A, Wolf A, Tas J, Choi Y, Takata H, Day T, Chang LY, Sprout S, Becker E, Willen J, Tian L, Wang X, Xiao C, Jiang P, Crotty S, Victora G, ShoweL,Tucker H, Erikson J and Hu H. The transcription factor Foxp1 is a critical negative regulator of T follicular helper cell differentiation. Nature Immunology.2014; 15(7):667-75.

4.      Feng X, Wang H, Takata H, Day TJ, Willen J, Hu H. Transcription factor Foxp1 exerts essential cell-intrinsic regulation of the quiescence of naive T cells. Nature Immunology. 2011; 12(6):544-550 (equal first authorship, listed in alphabetical order).